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Base64 Icons Favicon

I have been struggling to get favicon to work. Finally, I got it to work by using a Base64 version per the answer to this previous question: local (file://) website favicon works

Solution 1:

  1. this source claims that you don't need that many lines. 5 lines is enough. but since your fav is 16x16 and resizing for bigger is unnecessary you can even skip some of those. it depends on the original image size, and what platforms you want to support, but you can even go down to 1 line. (you can ditch fav.ico if you don't plan to support IE10- and use only png.)
  2. in most cases 4-bit image depth is enough. that means 16 colors, which is more than plenty for your example, but works with most logos even in high resolutions. png supports 4-bit, and it saves a ton of space, even though it is lossless. it is smaller then 24-bit jpg or gif files, and has better quality. if 4-bit is not enough 8-bit is still a viable option and no needs more. your image was 1150 Bytes, and the 4-bit png version is 202 Bytes (you can use IrfanView to decrease color depth and save as png).
  3. if you can use javascript and you need multiple declarations, you can have js build the html in the browser. you can even use unicode text instead of base64 and convert it with js, or build your dynamically (the example below doesn't use js).

i'm not an android expert, but for the example to work this much must be enough:

<link  type="image/png" sizes="16x16" href="data:image/png;base64,

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