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Why Does Width And Height Of A Flex Item Affect How A Flex Item Is Rendered?

An image in a flexbox that has a max-height style appears to render differently depending on whether it has its height and width attributes set. The one with the attributes, set to

Solution 1:

An initial setting of a flex container is align-items: stretch.

That means that flex items will expand across the cross axis of the container.

In a row-direction container, like in the question, the cross axis is vertical.

That means the items (images, in this case) will cover the full height of the container.

However, when a flex item has a defined cross size, that overrides the stretch default.

From the spec:

8.3. Cross-axis Alignment: the align-items and align-self properties

Flex items can be aligned in the cross axis of the current line of the flex container, similar to justify-content but in the perpendicular direction.


If the cross size property of the flex item computes to auto, and neither of the cross-axis margins are auto, the flex item is stretched.

This is the key language:

If the cross size property of the flex item computes to auto

And this is how the spec defines "cross size property":

The width or height of a flex item, whichever is in the cross dimension, is the item’s cross size. The cross size property is whichever of width or height that is in the cross dimension.

So your code appears to be playing out as defined in the spec.

This is what you have:

.flex-parent {
  display: flex;
  max-height: 10vh;

The first image has no defined width (main size) or height (cross size), either in the CSS or the HTML. Its cross size, therefore, computes to auto.

This statement:

If the cross size property of the flex item computes to auto

... is true, and align-items: stretch goes into effect.

The image expands across the height of the container, which is 10px.

The second image, however, has explicit sizing. The cross size is defined in the HTML (height="240").

Now this statement:

If the cross size property of the flex item computes to auto

... is false, and align-items: stretch is overridden. The HTML height attribute prevails.

Two notes about the second image:

  1. The image ignores the max-height limit on the container because an initial setting in CSS is overflow: visible.
  2. The HTML width and height attributes map to their respective CSS properties. Hence, height="240" overrides the height: auto default. See below for the spec references.*

There are two other issues to consider when rendering images in a flex container.

  1. The default minimum size of flex items. This setting prevents flex items from shrinking below the size of their content. Read this post for full details:

  2. Varying behavior among major browsers. Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Edge and IE11 don't always render images as flex items in the same way. Read this post for more details:

Considering all factors above, here's my suggested solution:

.flex-parent {
  display: flex;
  max-height: 50vh; /* adjusted for demo */

.flex-parent {
  min-width: 0;

img {
  width: 100%;
  height: auto;

*The HTML width and height attributes map to their respective CSS properties. Hence, when specified, they override the CSS defaults. From the HTML5 spec:

10.4.3 Attributes for embedded content and images

The width and height attributes on applet, embed, iframe, object or video elements, and input elements with a type attribute in the Image Button state and that either represents an image or that the user expects will eventually represent an image, map to the dimension propertieswidth and height on the element respectively.

10.2 The CSS user agent style sheet and presentational hints

When the text below says that an attribute on an element maps to the dimension property (or properties), it means that if the element has an attribute set, and parsing that attribute's value using the rules for parsing dimension values doesn't generate an error, then the user agent is expected to use the parsed dimension as the value for a presentational hint for properties, with the value given as a pixel length if the dimension was an integer, and with the value given as a percentage if the dimension was a percentage.

Solution 2:

Tried reading the w3c flexbox specs and stumbled onto this. It says that

For each dimension, if that dimension of the flex container’s content box is a definite size, use that; if that dimension of the flex container is being sized under a min or max-content constraint, the available space in that dimension is that constraint.

Otherwise, subtract the flex container’s margin, border, and padding from the space available to the flex container in that dimension and use that value which might result in an infinite value.

Hope this helps.

Solution 3:

Here you have written max-height:10vh, vh does not support in any browsers except the very latest iOS 6. This goes for all the viewport related length units. use other values instead of Vh this will work fine. Please Read this blog

.flex-parent {
  display: flex;
  max-height:  max-content;

Solution 4:

The problem is where you set max-height. The css property max-height is not inherited by default. Your css declaration creates a div that is 10% of the viewport height. The image with no dimensions set shrunk based on it's parent dimensions. The image you set the implicit dimensions on is always going to be those dimensions. Depending on the size of the div, it may overflow. If you put the max-height property on the first image, it should resize keeping the aspect ratio the same.

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