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I Can Send Form Data Using Get Method But Not Post, Why?

So I'm trying to learn html+php but it seems like I've hit a wall. If I use the GET method in my html form, parameters are sent to my php file just fine, but if I try to do the sam

Solution 1:

If you're using Chrome

  1. Go to index.html
  2. Press f12. Developer tools will show up
  3. Click Network
  4. Tick Preserve Log and Disable Cache (I usually just do it that way)
  5. From index.html click the submit button (do not close dev tools)
  6. Go back to developer tools click 'teste.php'
  7. Click headers, then expand general. You will see 'Request Method'. It should be POST

After working with @MuriloRM we ended up with the fundamental bug with PHPStorm

Please vote up the resolution of the issue

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