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Multiple Comma Seperate Value Compare Using Js

I want validation using a comma separated value. Here in the image, there are two fields : one is 'Saloon Price' (value : 10,10,10,10), and another is 'Saloon Offer Price' (value

Solution 1:

Split the string and then do a value comparison of two array elements. It uses "break" and "continue" to reduce the unnecessary iterations over the loop. Here is the full script. Adjust the functionality accordingly.

    $(document).ready(function () {
        var value = ComparePrice(); 

    functionComparePrice() {
    var salonOfferPrice = $('#saloon_offer_price').val();
    var salonPrice = $('#saloon_price').val();
    var offerPriceArray = salonOfferPrice.split(",");
    var priceArray = salonPrice.split(",");
    var isValid = false;
    if (offerPriceArray.length == priceArray.length) {
        for (var i = 0; i < offerPriceArray.length; i++) {
            for (var j = 0; j < priceArray.length; j++) {
                if (i == j) {
                    if (offerPriceArray[i] < priceArray[j]) {
                        alert(offerPriceArray[i] + "is less than" + priceArray[j]);
                        isValid = true;
                    else {
                        alert(offerPriceArray[i] + "is greater than or equal" + priceArray[j]);
                else {

    return isValid;

Solution 2:

You have to do value by value comparison.

var sp="10,20,30"; //get your field values herevar sop="5,10,15";

    var spArr = sp.split(','); //split the values using commavar sopArr = sop.split(',');

    if(spArr.length === sopArr.length){
       for(var i in spArr){
              //throw some error or your logic goes here.

Just make sure that you accept only numbers and comma using some regex check in the text field.

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