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How To Add A Html File Into Another Html File?

lets pretend i've a html file - 'main.html' & another html file 'content.html' i want to add content on main. i made the content, where content's - Width = window.innerWidth

Solution 1:

To dynamically load content, you could make an AJAX call using XMLHttpRequest().

In this example a url is passed to the loadPage() function, in which the loaded content is returned.

<!DOCTYPE html><htmllang="en"><head><scripttype="text/javascript">functionloadPage(href)
                var xmlhttp = newXMLHttpRequest();
      "GET", href, false);
                return xmlhttp.responseText;
        </script></head><body><divonClick="document.getElementById('bottom').innerHTML = 

When the div element containing text of "Home" is clicked, it sets the html of div element with id of "bottom" to content found in the "hello-world.html" document at the same relative location.


<p>Your content</p>

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