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How Do I Handle Return Key On An Ios Web View Native Keyboard?

In my iOS app, I have a UIWebView with text fields . I'd like to respond to the Return key being tapped. How do I do that? Can I somehow get access to the UITextField so I can impl

Solution 1:

You need to do some JavaScript tricks for this.

In your HTML document, bind a keyup event callback for your text input control, (Last time I checked, somehow UIWebView doesn't fire keypress event for return key, so keyup event is your best alternative)

In this callback, let the web view goto a custom URL scheme. e.g below:

var input = document.getElementById('textInput');
input.onkeyup = function(){window.location = 'callback://keyup'};

Then you can handle this URL scheme in you UIWebView's delegate

- (BOOL)webView:(UIWebView *)webView shouldStartLoadWithRequest:(NSURLRequest *)request navigationType:(UIWebViewNavigationType)navigationType
    if ([request.URL.scheme isEqualToString:@"callback"]) {
        // Do what you wantreturnNO;


Solution 2:

uiwebview can not can uitextfieldDelegate . try to read Apple document

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